Small Group Bible Study

Beautiful Gift
 - Week 

Married Sex

1st Corinthians 7:1-7
Discussion Guide
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Please take advantage of our 1st Corinthians 5-7 Tool Kit containing a deep dive study on marriage, sexuality and gender, and additional resources for further learning, including a powerful feature film gifted to Reach just for this series.

Discussion Questions

Before discussing in Groups, DNAs, mentorship and other gospel conversations around First Corinthians, consider the three different sources of engaging questions described at the bottom of this page. This will help lead to inspiring conversation and discussion instead of simple ‘yes’ and ‘no’ answers.

  • The opening statements of chapter 7 may also include some slogans or borrowed phrases from the letter the church sent to Paul. It is difficult to ascertain. What is clear is Paul’s repeated use of husband and wife and the context of sex within marriage. How has the corruption of the world and current culture misunderstood sex within marriage? How has it pushed the boundaries? What are some of the current consequences? 
  • Discuss this statement in your group. “First Corinthians 7:4a - the first half of the verse - is a verse a wife should memorize and a verse a husband should never quote.” What do you think?  Discuss an inverse statement regarding the husband’s body in 7:4b. 
  • How does Paul suggest that a healthy sex-life within a healthy marriage is protective? 
  • How has the biblical view on marital sex - and even this specific passage - been abused and misused by Christians and the church? How can we foster greater health and healing? 
  • It seems Paul is single (see 7:7). With so much attention given to marriage and married couples (as is fitting) where might the church be undervaluing the single? How can Reach do a better job at promoting and shepherding singles of all ages?

Discussion Format Suggestions

First, consider some simple, regular, thought-provoking opening questions to get the group discussions started. Try these on for fit: 

  • So, as we begin, where and How did you sense God’s Presence this week?
  • What is the state of the key relationships in your life right now? 
  • What were your biggest challenges? Biggest blessings? 
  • What are you most grateful for right now? 

Second, you can continue the discussion by honing in on the specific passage of First Corinthians that we’ve just studied on Sunday, or that you just read and studied together. You can engage some or all of the questions organized above for each of the passages. It’s always a good idea to read the particular passage again in the group discussion. 

Thirdly, please feel free to add your own questions as a result of your study and prayer through First Corinthians. You are the leader. Lead. Shepherd your people closer to Jesus.