Small Group Bible Study

Quiet Christmas
 - Week 

Week One: Hope

Discussion Guide
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This Advent Resource is a guide to a purposeful celebration of Jesus’ birth. It is built for individuals, small groups and/or families and only requires an intentional few minutes to engage. Beginning Sunday, December 3, and culminating on Monday, Christmas Day, the invitation below involves scripture reading, short discussion, prayer, journaling and optional advent candles.

Text QUIET to 425-333-1048 and we’ll send you the devotional each week.

A Note on Advent Candles: The traditional Advent wreath and candles can be easily assembled on your own or purchased. It is simple and beautifully symbolic to engage. 

  • An evergreen wreath usually sits below or among the five candles. This “wreath” can easily be harvested with some branches of douglas fir or similar evergreens locally. Arrange it simply and safely under five candles set in either a line or a circle (any candles will do, even leftover birthday candles). 
  • Traditionally, three candles are purple, one is pink and one is white. But five candles of any color will suffice. The meaning and symbolism of each is recalled below.)


Deuteronomy 18:15-18; Isaiah 9:2, 6-7; John 1:19-23;  Hebrews 1:1-2

Participate in Lighting of the Advent Candle

The first candle is purple, which symbolizes royalty and honor, and represents hope. It is traditionally called the Prophecy Candle and reminds us of the anticipation and expectation of the arrival of the Messiah to save and redeem. Since Adam and Eve were evicted from Eden, we have been waiting for the One who will make a way back into the Presence of God. In this waiting we hope in God’s promise. Light the first Advent Candle.

Discussion + Meditation

  • How do the selected Scripture passages encourage hope? 
  • What about these readings offers hope for you right now?
  • What do these passages reveal about God’s love for the world? 


“Lord, as we wait in hope for Jesus in this Advent season, posture our hearts to also receive hope. You provided hope through Jesus and You provide hope in every moment through your promised Holy Spirit. Thank you for your provision of that gift. We pray for you to open our eyes to hope and tune our eyes to see Your activity and movement among us.”

Personal Journaling Prompt

This past year has been a challenge for many. Take a moment to journal about how you have needed hope and how God has provided hope in Jesus, in His church, through His Word and by His Spirit.