Small Group Bible Study

Quiet Christmas
 - Week 

Week Two: Faith

Discussion Guide
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Psalm 40:1-5; Isaiah 42:1-6; Luke 1:5-24, 57-80

Participate in Lighting of the Advent Candle

The second candle is also purple and represents faith. It is traditionally called the Bethlehem Candle and reminds us of Mary and Josephs difficult journey to Bethlehem, the “house of bread,” the City of King David. How much faith did it take for a young engaged couple, wrapped in the scandal of a miraculous pregnancy, to face the realities of their day and trust God’s promise? Their faith and its pivotal role in God’s redemption story is an example for us today. Light the second Advent Candle (along with the previous candle from last Sunday).

Discussion + Meditation

  • How does the hope we recalled last week connect with the faith we heard in the passages today?
  • Faith is trust in God’s character and promises. What promises are important to you right now?
  • Where is God specifically inviting you to deeper faith?


“Father, we feel in our spirits the longing of what is to come. We know you sent King Jesus and yet we have the tug in our hearts for the day when you wipe away our tears, when you take away the pain of the world, when you make all things right and new, for the day when our soul’s longing is realized. Jesus, thank you for saving us and filling us with hope. We pray for the ongoing faith to meet the challenges of a world that is yet to be perfectly filled with the glory that You promise.”

Personal Journaling Prompt

These passages remind us of God’s character to provide and fulfill His plan of salvation in Jesus, His Son. Take some time to journal, recalling the times and ways God has answered your prayers, fulfilled His promises, and shown Himself to be strong and gracious in your life. Be sure to thank Him and proclaim your faith in Him for what’s next.